After the Disaster

Abaco Parrots foraging on denuded sufrace Post-Hurricane Dorian, Bahamas. Note the lack of vegetation and food sources.

In the recovery phase of a disaster, where birds go during and after may be severely constrained.

Strong and transparent agreements with conservation planning and other organizations may be especially important if birds have to be removed to, and hopefully, returned from, ex-situ facilities. In regions where the native range and habitat is severely damaged and/or precludes release for months or years, long-term and detailed planning should be pursued well ahead of disaster planning. How birds will be released during extensive habitat restoration and recovery has to be included in any long-term planning.

Psittacines affected by a disaster will recover more quickly and thrive if their social structure remains as intact as possible. All effort must be put into planning to keep flocks, groups, pairs and family units intact.

Isolation of individuals needs to be avoided, even with ICU patients, and especially in special needs and ambassador birds. See the flowcharts and decision trees for help.

Careful ecological evaluation of damaged habitat is required if released birds are expected to thrive, even with supplemental feeding, soft release and other support. This will include habitat restoration and recovery. Pre-disaster planning must include biologists and organizations that specialize in these areas. Go here for some suggestions for feeding and watering stations.

Poaching and trafficking threats must be evaluated, and security assured. Trafficking, in all reality, should be treated as a disaster and planned for accordingly. See the Confiscations page for more information.