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Psittacine Disaster Team
We are here to help people who want to help wild psittacines when disaster strikes.
Ornithologists, field biologists, conservationists, wildlife rehabilitators, first responders, animal rescue teams, veterinarians and veterinary staff, community and neighborhood efforts, local, national, regional and international relief efforts.
Wild psittacines are directly affected by natural and anthropogenic disasters. Wild psittacines are under intense pressure and rescue, care, rehabilitation and appropriate release back to the wild of individuals and flocks can significantly assist larger population dynamics.
Parrots are wild animals and the goal of helping them is a healthy and appropriate release to the wild!
Parrots are strong, fierce and determined avians, who can survive devastating injury and ill-health. They do, however, require personnel with specialized knowledge, handling skills, and housing to ensure eventual healthy release. What happens to wild psittacines when disaster strikes? Who finds, rescues, and cares for them? What happens to a wildlife care facility when disaster strikes? What happens, specifically, when a facility designed for rehabilitation and release, translocation, repatriation, or re-introduction of psittacine species is severely damaged or destroyed? And even more urgently, what happens when facilities housing critically endangered, endangered and threatened species are struck?
Books! Downloadable PDF and online versions available
Disaster Planning for Wild and Captive Psittacines
Wild Psittascine Rehabilitation
Wild Psittacine Rehabilitation and Appendix
Wild Urban Psittascines Veterinary Handbook
Guide to veterinary care of wild urban psittacines
Wildlife Rehabilitation of Confiscated Psittacines
Guidelines and care for confiscated wild psittacines and their return to the wild
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